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Allergy seminar
A month that can change your life.
Now the days are getting warmer again and we are magnetically drawn to the sun and outdoors.
But maybe that's impossible for you?
If you are one of those people who suffer from spring, eyes swell, runny nose and maybe even shortness of breath?
You are forced to stay at home because your immune system is overreacting.
But also animal hair and food as well as skin reactions
can have a massive impact on our lives.
This workshop is about these reactions of the body to learn to understand.
You learn the context of these reactions.
You will learn how this relates to your chemical and hormonal balance.
You will learn how to convince your subconscious that these reactions are not necessary.
And how you can change these programs.
I will accompany you over 4 weeks in a weekly zoom meeting
and with a personal interview after 3 weeks
In addition, you have the opportunity to dissolve your allergy in a personal hypnosis session,
offering you at half price.
Seminar costs 227.-CHF
Find the right date in the registration options
I'm happy for you!
Thanks very much!
Holistic Pain Management & Healing
Andrea Tschanz
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